All Madame Flöck’s Mosel Germany vineyards are dry grown, herbicide free, and hand tended. This means no machinery ever touches our vineyards, no glyphosate messes with the natural biodiversity of our vineyards, and our hands are blistered, backs broken, and wits lost by the time we harvest.
Notice the rather odd names of our Mosel Germany vineyards. All of Madame Flöck’s Mosel vineyards are named after winemakers, viticulturists, and mentors who have graciously offered their time, energy, friendship, and expertise to our passion for wine over the past ten years. Good thing we keep finding prime Mosel Germany vineyard to restore because we have a lot of people to thank.
Once upon a time, the small village of Mosel Lehmen Germany was surrounded by some of the most fantastic German Riesling Wine vineyards in the Mosel. Sadly, not unlike the fate of the town itself, time passed these vineyards by leaving them forlorn and forgotten. But not if Madame Flock has anything to say about it!
Madame Flock has three Mosel Lehmen vineyards and a lot of wild land in the Ausinousstein sub region. We also have a Mosel Muller Thurgau Vineyard in Lehmen Lay sub region. They are 12 and 13 terraces tall respectively, the terroir blue gray slate and a soil pH that is a bit more basic and calcareous than that of Winningen. Madame Flock’s Mosel Lehmener Ausinousstein blocks are south to south-east facing.
Due to the age of the vines and the fact that one of the vineyards hadn't been worked in many long years, we separate the vineyards when harvesting and vinify them differently in the cellar to tease out their unique qualities.
Madame Flöck’s “Dewy's Drop” comes from the smaller, but more densely planted Mosel Lehmener Ausinousstein vineyard. It’s vines were planted sometime pre 1944 and are extremely low yielding yet flockin’ mind-blowingly flavourful and complex. Only in the best years are we able to harvest enough grapes from these ancient vines to create its own wine.

Madame Flöck’s restored vineyard dubbed Mount Lehmo, was planted between the late 1980s to early 1990s. When we first set eyes on this vineyard it looked nothing more than a quarter hectare of un-pruned, completely overgrown bedlam. Madame Flöck’s first harvest netted a whopping 50 litres due to the neglect! 2019 however is showing great improvements and by 2020 the vineyard will be back to its full health and vitality. From the brink of death to full health, this has been an absolute passion project reviving this vineyard and Madame Flock is flockin’ excited to showcase our hard work.

Once upon a time, the small village of Lehmen was surrounded by some of the most fantastic Riesling vineyards in the Mosel. Sadly, not unlike the fate of the town itself, time passed these vineyards by leaving them forlorn and forgotten. But not if Madame Flock has anything to say about it!
Madame Flock has two Mosel Lehmen vineyards adjacent to each other here in the Ausinousstein sub region. They are 12 and 13 terraces tall respectively, the terroir blue gray slate and a soil pH that is a bit more basic and calcareous than that of Winningen. Madame Flock’s Mosel Lehmener Ausinousstein blocks are south to south-east facing.
Due to the age of the vines and the fact that one of the vineyards hadn't been worked in many long years, we separate the vineyards when harvesting and vinify them differently in the cellar to tease out their unique qualities.
Mad Dog Warwick, the Winninger Mosel vineyard named after the man who introduced the two of us, is only one terrace; one very long and very steep terrace. After Madame Flöck’s first harvest we tasked ourselves with re-training half the vine system from an acid-centric vertical positioning to the more harmonious and traditional "Mosel heart" system. With the two systems in place we will get an excellent acid balance. The unique characteristic of this vineyard is its placement. It’s aspect is west facing but inside a small valley and at the very top of the hill providing wonderful winds and a slightly cooler climate that allows a longer ripening period without a strong threat of botrytis. We also bunch thin before harvest ensuring the fullest flavour and even-ripening from the grapes.